sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010

Keep Your Eyes On It

Horseback riding is a state of mind. There isn’t better rider in the world than Dom Quixote. In his mind there wasn’t any fear or doubt. Nothing bothered the intimacy of De La Mancha. Giants and dragons disappeared in front of him and his wonderful horse Rocinante.

The pleasure and good sensation felt riding a horse and the equine existence for the men are so deep that they are impressed in our genetic memory. In Greek, Hipocrates, the greatest doctor, in 377 B.C already receipted equine activity wanting the blood regeneration and the body preservation. This way, we can concluded that the Federal Medicine Council recognizes equotherapy as an important work tool to develop biopsychosocial patients.

To ride a horse is a pleasure process that can make applications on the best exercises of motor coordination and a stimulus of self control, self confidence and auto esteem. The horse's walk is almost the same as the human – their movements with rhythm and balance make the muscles and coordination strengthen.

In German, Sweden and Switzerland the equine therapy is funded by the government. There are courses in the universities aiming graduated professionals in this specific healthy area.

When the horseback riding has regular practiced brings many benefits to riders healthy and gives improvements for heart and bread functions, conditioning the entire locomotion system beyond prevent from different degenerative sickness.

After 30 minutes riding a rider will execute proximally 5.400 body movements - tridimensional movements: horizon positions: right, left, forward and backward and vertical positions: up and down. All body muscles are moved producing high levels of serotonin and dopamin wich are brain neurotransmitters responsible for the welfare and good sensation. It is a mental relaxation and physical therapy extraordinary.

No stress, no depression or poetry lack that resist to a good ride.
To ride is a way to see the world on the top…
By Otavio Pedroso (Mangalarga Marchador Breeder)

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