The first horses that arrived in the Pantanal, a flooded land of the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul (Central Western region of Brazil), formed a breed - the Pantaneiro horse -a product of natural selection over the last three centuries.
Horses were introduced into the Pantanal by the Spanish expeditions during the colonization period found in this region good environmental conditions for their multiplication.
The animals brought by these expeditions were, for the most part, Iberian horses. Some horses on these expeditions were lost in the Pantanal, proliferating and, consequently, populating the area. The Guaicuru indians helped to spread horses in the Pantanal because they learned horse management from the spanish and extended their range.
Since the formation of the Pantaneiro breed, this horse has played an important role in the development of the Pantanal region.
Some Pantaneiro's curiosities: Sometimes Pantaneiro horses spend more than six months (all day and night long) with their hooves under water, duo to the fact of a flooded areas in Pantanal. This breed is also special because adapted to the regional environmental conditions and to feed is very usually to see a horse with their muzzle searching for grass under the water as well, just like an amphibio.
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