terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

Breeds of Brazilian Horses

I'm pretty much proud because I was born in Minas Gerais.
This State has tons of history about my country developement and here is where the most horses' breeds in Brazil had their origins as Mangalarga and Campolina for example.

The Mangalarga's history tell us that the breed was made in the South of Minas Gerais, exactly in Campo Alegre farm having as its owner Colonel Francisco Junqueira.

In 1812 he had received a present from from the Dom Joao VI, the governing prince. This present was a horse of the Royal Alter breed (coming from the "Coudelaria Alter do Chao", in Portugal) named Sublime.

The animals resulting of the cross-breeding beteween Sublime and the Brazilian mares were the basis of the first Mangalarga Marchador horse.

The name Mangalarga Marchador is due to the fact that the most important clients of Fazenda Campo Alegre were the owners of a famous farm in the State of Rio de Janeiro which name was Mangalarga and because of this the buyers used to ask for Mangalarga horses, equal to the ones of Fazenda Mangalarga.
Considering here that this breed offers the smoothness of gait, endurance and pride.

The Campolina breed was formed in Entre Rios de Minas - Minas Gerais State - in a farm named Fazenda Tanque, owned by Cassiano Campolina.

Mr. Campolina began his horses operations in 1857, however the real date of the foundation of this breed is the year of 1870 when he received from a friend a black mare called Medeia. This mare was Brazilian but bred by a pure Andaluzian Stallion belonging to Mariano Procopio who had received it as a present of emperor Dom Pedro II. Medeia gave birth to a beautiful dark gray colt, an authentic half blood Andaluzian, named Monarca (Monarch).

Monarca served during 25 years in the herd of national mares of Fazenda Tanque, concetrating Mr. Campolina in a selection of genetic improvement, obtaining animals of great port, great vivacity and smooth gait.

Something curious about Campolina breed: It was cross-breeding with Mangalarga, Clydesdale, American Saddle and Hostein breed, the last one from Germany.

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