terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

The Hotest Day

I'm really dying for a rainy day to fresh this air a little bit.
Summer is only next week but the sun is so hot that make me think that ride horses is good only after february in Brazil.
But when I put my boots on my spirit changes and my energy charge fully of joy.
Likewide, we wait until the sun goes down and around 5:00 p.m the horses and the riders are ready...
The path today we saw may farms and fruit trees. It's almost mango time and it's tree are full of green mangos. We many kinds of mango; rosa, espada, uba.
We also found other fruit trees as Guava (goiaba), Cashew (caju), tangerine (mexerica), Jackfruit (jaca), Surinam cherry (pitanga), banana. The surinam's tree was our pit stop to put some sugar in our ride this afternoon.
Where there are fruits there are many animals as well. Beyond the birds diversity we met Wied’s marmoset (Mico Estrela) among our way who welcomed us at the entrance of the little rainforest.
At that moment I felt the fresh air blowing in my face and remembered the hotest day that I had... But was too late! Now everything was so fresh! I was feeling freash and all my thoughts too!
Horseback is good to fresh our thoughts!!!

segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010

Horses X Birds

While I was sitting around the stables after a short conversation with those horses I could observe there were some birds, not some, wrong expression, there were a lot of bird breeds in a Flamboyant tree.
They were there, Bem-Te-Vi (Great Kiskadee), Canary, Smooth-billed Ani, Turtle Dove, Sparrow, Sabia-Laranjeira (Rufous-bellied Trush) and Parakeet.
The last ones made me remember that everything in life is ephemeral duo of the fact that they made their nest in a Rufous Hornero’s house and if one day we are here, tomorrow we never know.
We do not have a place in this world. Do we? Maybe we have a place for a while and then… We move!
The family when gets bigger moves to other bigger apartment. The couple if gets divorce they also moves each one to other places. When the teens get older, they move to their own places until they get married and then…
But folks we’re talking about horses… No, no, no birds! Let me come back to my sit next to the stable and watch those Parakeet. I think is feed time and the mother get in and out all the time.
I’m also surprised by the Rufous Bellied Trusth couple who come pretty close with curiosity in their eyes. Suddenly the female, I think, find a worm and ate. After was the male turn and I was there in the Vip area full of happiness, enjoying each moment and feeling alive as part of everything. What truly it is…

sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

Speak a Little, Speak a Lot, Speak Serious

Each one compose your own history
Each one has the gift to be happy
This is a famous Brazilian strophe and yesterday when I was sited with my uncle, the one who taught me how to love horses, the song was the unique thought in my mind.
I was pleasant to know Mr. Zé and his wife Mrs. Severina. They told us about their history, the hard time shared together to make their kids future and the desire to escape to a quiet place.
Me and my uncle first took a freeway then couple miles after we turned right in a very small path to the bar. Could I call that place a bar? I think so...
It´s a house nearly the path. My uncle carried two chairs and there we were, Friday afternoon sited in a porch in front of a little stream and a huge montain where there were only on mule and one cow as our neighbor.
Speak a little, speak a lot! The beers deserved an appetizers and our friend Mrs. Severina made us a pork meat and fried manioc dish. What can I exactly say about it? Perfect? Magnific? Amazing? Wow boy, it was supimpa! As the elders used to say in Brazil (stop allowed to laugh).
Speak a little, speak a lot, speak serious... We talked about life stuff, We say the usual that we should join life as better as we can and we have to follow our nature and mind. Our talents hide in ourselves and we can´t just swim agaist it. It´s needed to find your own. Live and enjoy live because we never know the next hour of our existence.
And I was in this time obligated to hear from my uncle that maybe he was born to to be seed. What does it mean? Maybe God chose him to be a template to the next generations and paraphrased: "I´m like a tree, if you cut it grow out again! Although he´s a live lover one day this show goes on...
Then we started to talk about faith and what life can bring us. Those good and bad surprises. Mr. Zé, wise field man said to us that yes, we all have a destiny to follow and this way I asked: Do we all have a destiny? Can we change our destiny? Or, when we are changinf our destiny exactly we are following it? Wise answer, Mr. Zé said to me: "We have our path to walk, people join us during this journey but (there is a but always) you’re allowed to change the bad things and transform them in good. It’s up to you! Only another observation…

Each one compose your own history

Each one has the gift to be happy

sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010

Keep Your Eyes On It

Horseback riding is a state of mind. There isn’t better rider in the world than Dom Quixote. In his mind there wasn’t any fear or doubt. Nothing bothered the intimacy of De La Mancha. Giants and dragons disappeared in front of him and his wonderful horse Rocinante.

The pleasure and good sensation felt riding a horse and the equine existence for the men are so deep that they are impressed in our genetic memory. In Greek, Hipocrates, the greatest doctor, in 377 B.C already receipted equine activity wanting the blood regeneration and the body preservation. This way, we can concluded that the Federal Medicine Council recognizes equotherapy as an important work tool to develop biopsychosocial patients.

To ride a horse is a pleasure process that can make applications on the best exercises of motor coordination and a stimulus of self control, self confidence and auto esteem. The horse's walk is almost the same as the human – their movements with rhythm and balance make the muscles and coordination strengthen.

In German, Sweden and Switzerland the equine therapy is funded by the government. There are courses in the universities aiming graduated professionals in this specific healthy area.

When the horseback riding has regular practiced brings many benefits to riders healthy and gives improvements for heart and bread functions, conditioning the entire locomotion system beyond prevent from different degenerative sickness.

After 30 minutes riding a rider will execute proximally 5.400 body movements - tridimensional movements: horizon positions: right, left, forward and backward and vertical positions: up and down. All body muscles are moved producing high levels of serotonin and dopamin wich are brain neurotransmitters responsible for the welfare and good sensation. It is a mental relaxation and physical therapy extraordinary.

No stress, no depression or poetry lack that resist to a good ride.
To ride is a way to see the world on the top…
By Otavio Pedroso (Mangalarga Marchador Breeder)

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

Into The Wild

" I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong... but to feel strong."

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010